Sunday, November 8, 2009

For many of us when we think of a Ring Bearer or Flower Girl we often picture freshly scrubbed cheeks and sparkly eyed neices and nephews. The infamous temper tantrums and shyness have gone to the dogs...literally in Banff this last summer.

When my clients laughed about including their big baby into their wedding ceremony, I thought "why not"? After checking with the local church and knowing how loved their dog was I gave them the great news. Their big baby was allowed to be the Ring Bearer...or shall I say Ring Bear!

Just before the rehearsal, I volunteered to pick up Marcus from the Pooch Palace. Upon my arrival I was greeted by many excited prospects that could be heard on the other side of the 6 ft wall, but one caught my eye as he had no problem looking over the wall itself. I laughed with the Receptionist and said, "Goodness...I hope that was not Marcus!" I have not idea what I was expecting but sure enough out, she came with a Newfoundland Labrador .
Now...I knew he was a Lab but I've never seen a real one straight from Newfoundland and have only ever seen the average ones. (Quite honestly I would have called the Warden if I saw him roaming the alleys of Banff thinking he was a little Bear).

On the wedding day, Marcus arrived freshly groomed decked out in his purple hydrangea made quite an entrance when the Priest asked for the rings...needless to say, I crossed my fingers that he would go right to his people. With a quiet sigh I watched from the back of the church as the ceremony proceeded normally. After the photos at the church our little bear was off to the Pooch Palace for a much deserved treat and playtime with his new friends.

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