When my clients laughed about including their big baby into their wedding ceremony, I thought "why not"? After checking with the local church and knowing how loved their dog was I gave them the great news. Their big baby was allowed to be the Ring Bearer...or shall I say Ring Bear!
Just before the rehearsal, I volunteered to pick up Marcus from the Pooch Palace. Upon my arrival I was greeted by many excited prospects that could be heard on the other side of the 6 ft wall, but one caught my eye as he had no problem looking over the wall itself. I laughed with the Receptionist and said, "Goodness...I hope that was not Marcus!" I have not idea what I was expecting but sure enough out, she came with a Newfoundland Labrador .
Now...I knew he was a Lab but I've never seen a real one straight from Newfoundland and have only ever seen the average ones. (Quite honestly I would have called the Warden if I saw him roaming the alleys of Banff thinking he was a little Bear).
On the wedding day, Marcus arrived freshly groomed decked out in his purple hydrangea made quite an entrance when the Priest asked for the rings...needless to say, I crossed my fingers that he would go right to his people. With a quiet sigh I watched from the back of the church as the ceremony proceeded normally. After the photos at the church our little bear was off to the Pooch Palace for a much deserved treat and playtime with his new friends.
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